Tommaso Trinchera

I was born December 23, 1987 in Milan (Italy). I graduated magna cum laude in law in 2010 from the University of Milan and obtained a PhD in Business Law from Bocconi University in 2016.
Since September 2021 I have been Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at Bocconi University. Previously, I served as a lecturer of Principles of Criminal Law at the University of Turin (2020-2021), and as a researcher with grant in Criminal Law at Bocconi University (2017-2021).
I was visiting scholar at the Ludwig Maximilian Universität in Munich, Germany (2014), at the University of Barcelona, Spain (2019) and at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in Philadelphia, United States (2019).
I live in Milan with my wife Anna and my son Carlo.
My main field of research is criminal law. I have authored a number of publications on several topics: legal theory, confiscation, crimes committed in labor and medical field, thereby included surrogate motherhood and medically assisted techniques, criminal jurisdiction over offences committed abroad.