Marco Ventoruzzo

Marco Ventoruzzo

I am Full Professor of Corporate Law and Financial Markets Regulation. I have been a Full Professor of Business Law at Penn State Law School, USA; and the Director of the Max Planck Institute of Luxembourg (currently I am a Scientific Member of this institution).

From 2016 to 2022 I was Head of Department of Legal Studies "Angelo Sraffa" of Bocconi University.

Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI). I have been visiting professor at several law schools and universities, among which: Fudan University, Shanghai, China; Hamburg Law School, Germany; Esade Law School, Barcelona, Spain; National Law School of India, Bangalore; Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile, Santiago; and I lectured and gave talks at several institutions such as Oxford Law School, Pennsylvania University Law School, and Fordham Law School. 

Full Professor
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I am a member of the editorial board of the following journals: European Company and Financial Law Review, Oxford Journal of Financial Regulation, Rivista delle Società, Banca Impresa Società, Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti; and an academic member of COMI, the consulting committee of market experts created by the Italian FInancial Supervisor, Consob.


Research interests

My research interests cover corporate law, corporate governance, financial structure of business organizations, securities regulation, and takeovers.