Federico Pergami

I am Federico Pergami and I am Professor of Roman Law and Roman Foundations of European Law at Bocconi University.
I am a member and Secretary of the Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana and a member of the Associazione Italiana di Storia del Diritto and of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Tardoantichi.
I am currently working on a new monography on the Roman Foundations of European Law.
Trial in late antiquity legislation and the system of appeals.
Validation and conversion of legal transactions in the classical jurisprudence.
Roman law and Roman Foundations of European law.
Roman Law (Institutions of Roman Law)
The course is dedicated to the exposition of the fundamental principles of Roman Private Law which – due to the influence exercised by the Roman tradition on the European legal systems – constitutes an essential heritage in the education of the contemporary jurists.
Following a comparative methodology, particular attention is dedicated to the study of subjective positions, family structure, obligations, procedural system. Special attention is also paid to the regulation of contracts and legal transactions, as well as to the study of real rights (iura in re) and inheritance law.
Roman Foundations of European Law
The course provides a general introduction to the reception of Roman jurisprudence into modern European legal systems. Starting with an historical overview of Roman institutions from the Regal period (VIII century BC) to the reign of Justinian (VI century AD), students are introduced to the main aspects of Roman private and public law and their persistence in the current European legal systems.
The Roman legal procedure is dealt with in depth. In particular, the core of the course is dedicated to the “Right to a fair trial”, as designed by Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as numerous international declarations and national constitutions (Article 111 of the Italian Constitution).