Emanuele Lucchini Guastalla
I am a Full Professor of Private Law at Bocconi University where I was also the Director of the Integrated Master of Arts in Law from 2006 to 2013.
I was visiting professor in several universities, including the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), (Argentina) and Esade Law School (Ramon Llull University), (Barcelona, Spain).
Appointed by the Bank of Italy, I am President of the Panel of Turin of Arbitro Bancario Finanziario (ABF).
I am a lawyer and a member of the Board of Directors of Morgan Stanley SGR S.p.A.
In 1989 I graduated in Law summa cum laude at University of Milan.
My research interests are in the fields of Contract Law, Tort Law, Inheritance Law, Family Law and Arbitration.
In 2017 I received the ESADE Alumni Law Club’s Aptíssimi Award in the "Excelencia Académica" category. The prize is awarded each year by a jury composed by ESADE's faculty of law to a foreign professor who has distinguished himself for his career achievements.
In 2012 I received “Excelence Research Award” assigned by Bocconi University.
I was the Principal Investigator of Progetto MIUR 2008 “Le fonti non legislative dei contratti”.
I was also a member of the Research Project “Evoluzione dei rapporti tra compagnie di assicurazione e reti agenziali” held by NEWFIN (Research Center for Financial Innovation of Bocconi University), 1995.
Emergenza Covid-19 e diritto privato: quali rimedi?
Emergenza COVID-19 e questioni di diritto civile, 2020La polizza unit linked tra causa finanziaria e causa assicurativa
LA NUOVA GIURISPRUDENZA CIVILE COMMENTATA, 2019La compatibilità dei danni punitivi con l'ordine pubblico alla luce della funzione sanzionatoria di alcune disposizioni normative processualcivilistiche
RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE E PREVIDENZA, 2016La nueva responsabilidad precontractual
Tratado de la Buena Fe en el Derecho. Evoluciòn del Principio, 2019Il nuovo regolamento europeo sul trattamento dei dati personali: i principi ispiratori
CONTRATTO E IMPRESA, 2018I received several Teaching Awards assigned by Bocconi University (for academic years 2018-2019; 2012-2013; 2010-2011; 2008-2009).
I was awarded as the Best Professor (for mandatory courses) of the School of Law of Bocconi University (academic year 2007-2008).