Claudio Dordi

Claudio Dordi

I am an Associate Professor of International Law and the former Director of the PhD Program in International Law and Economics. I have directed several international projects, including the USAID Vietnam Digital Trade Activity (2023-2024), the USAID Trade Facilitation Program (2018-2023), and the EU Multilateral Trade Assistance Project (MUTRAP) (2008-2017). From 2004 to 2006, I directed a project for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote Vietnam's accession to the World Trade Organization.

I have also been a member of the "eminent group of experts" appointed by former EU Commissioner Mandelson (2006-2007) to revise the EU system on trade defense measures. I have cooperated with several other international organizations on trade and investment-related issues, including the ITC, World Bank, APEC, UNCTAD, and World Customs Organization.

In addition, I have been a visiting professorial fellow at Georgetown Law School (Washington, D.C.) in 2002 and 2003, and I have taught as a visiting professor at several universities in South America, Europe, and Asia.

Associate Professor
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Research interests

International law (international commerce and international monetary relationships), EU law, Public international law, Law of international organizations.

Selected Publications

La politica economica e monetaria nel progetto di costituzione europea


Profili giuridici dell'attività di sostegno finanziario del Fondo Monetario Internazionale: le nuove linee-guida sulla condizionalità

Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 863

Règles d'origine

Giordano, Valladao, Durand, Vers un accord entre l'Europe et le MERCOSUR, Sciences Po, Parigi, 301
Dordi, Claudio; Beretta, Laura

"L'accordo di libero scambio fra Comunità europea e Croazia

Commercio Internazionale