Andrea Manzitti
I was born 1961. I have a JD in Law (Genoa, 1985) and a Master in Tax Law (Bocconi, Milan, 1989). I have been a member of the Milan Bar since 1989. I am tax lawyer in three of the most prominent Italian law firms. In 2001, I joined the Italian Treasury and headed the Department of Taxation until 2005.
Research interests
I am interested in all fields of taxation, with a particular interest in international and corporate taxation. I have also professional and academic experience on taxpayer’s protection as well as pre-trial and judicial tax proceedings.
Selected Publications
Abuso del diritto e riqualificazione contrattuale
Giurisprudenza delle imposteConsiderazioni sull’imposizione patrimoniale
Rivista di diritto tributarioLa doppia imposizione internazionale nel difficile coordinamento tra convenzioni bilaterali e direttiva madre-figlia
Rivista di diritto tributarioLe agevolazioni fiscali ai “neo-residenti” tra il principio di eguaglianza e di capacità contributiva
Rivista Novità FiscaliTeaching