The Common Core of European Administrative Laws: Lesson and Issues Seminar

On June 15, 2023, Prof. Giacinto Della Cananea gave a seminar titled “The Common Core of European Administrative Laws: Lesson and Issues” in the context of the Angelo Sraffa Department of Legal Studies Seminar Series. The event brought together members of the Department, PhD candidates, as well as students at the Law School, to whom Prof. Della Cananea exposed the challenges and main outcomes of the research project “’The Common Core of European Administrative Laws (COCEAL)”. For this research, which has been conducted between 2016 and 2023, Prof. Della Cananea was awarded an Advanced Research Grant by the European Research Council as a principal investigator. Among other outcomes, COCEAL has already resulted in the publication of five books by Oxford University Press. During his presentation at the Department of Legal Studies, Prof. Della Cananea explained in which sense the new comparative enquiry he proposes is a ‘common core’ research. He then illustrated the first achievements of his work, which concern both a ‘diachronic comparison’ and a ‘synchronic comparison’. Finally, he discussed some key issues regarding the ‘common core’.