Miss Rate Neglect in Legal Decision Making

Seminars - Philosophy of Law
17:30 - 18:30
Room BELSS, 3rd floor, Via Roentgen 1

The seminar is organized by BELSS in collaboration with the Department of Legal Studies.

Link of the seminar:

Abstract: A decision maker who does not take proper account of the probability that a certain piece of evidence is a false positive, P(E|-H), commits an error that can be called miss rate neglect. This is a common error in legal decision making. There are many examples from legal cases where judges or juries have assessed evidence incorrectly due to miss rate neglect. I will present the results from two experiments on miss rate neglect in legal decision making, conducted by the LEVIC research group at Lund University.

Christian Dahlman, Professor in Jurisprudence at Lund University